早在十七世纪初期就有记载印第安人禁忌吃赤潮海域的贝类的传说。1609年,一位经常旅行的法国律师Marc Lescarbot,在北美洲东北海岸的Port Royal,Nova Scotia,发现那里的印第安人死也不吃贻贝。在北美洲西海岸,一些印第安部落保有一种习惯,专门在晚上守望海面,当发现海水发光的时候,就绝不吃贝类海鲜。今天我们知道,这种光可以由许多种双鞭藻(Dinoflagellates)发出,其中有些双鞭藻正是人们食用贝类海鲜中毒的来源。在阿拉斯加(Alaska)海边,传说有一次印第
As early as the early seventeenth century there are records that Indians taboo the shellfish in the tidewater. In 1609, Marc Lescarbot, a frequent French lawyer who traveled to Port Royal, Nova Scotia on the north east coast of North America, found that Indians there did not eat mussels at death. On the west coast of North America, some Indian tribes maintain a habit of watching the sea at night and never eat shellfish when sea water is found to shine. Today we know that this light can be emitted by many dinoflagellates, some of which are sources of seafood poisoning by shellfish. On the Alaska seaside there is a legend