一、引言我国竹刻艺术,历史悠久,源远流长。这种由文人关怀培育成长起来的独特艺术,在明、清两代,进入了极为鼎盛和辉煌的时期。众多的艺术流派,交相辉映,雕刻技艺亦惊世绝伦。起源、发展、成熟于湖南宝庆(今湖南邵阳市)地区的“宝庆竹刻”. 鼍于明代原(圆)竹雕刻的坚实基础上,进而在清代以创造和发明了竹簧及竹簧雕刻为标志,确立了在中国竹刻史上的重要地位(详述见拙著《宝庆竹刻》岳麓书社2000年11月出版)。众多的文人或艺人,承前启后,心传手授,揣摩创意,以匠心独具的艺术个性、精湛不凡的雕刻技艺、浓郁清新的地方风格,凭借着倾注了无限艺术灵感和心血的刻刀,造就了无数美轮美奂的竹刻精品,或走进皇宫艺苑.登大雅之堂;或入文人雅士之私藏秘阁,倍受赏识钟爱;或走出国门,美名远播,为国争光。今天,被珍藏于北京故宫、台北故宫、南京博物院以及美国、英国、日本等世界知名博物馆内的宝庆竹刻实物,依然闪耀着古老艺术的光辉。
I. Introduction Bamboo carving art in China has a long history and a long history. This unique art, cultivated and cultivated by literati care, entered an extremely prosperous and brilliant period in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Numerous art schools, each other, carving skills are also stunning. Originated, developed and mature in “Baoqing Bamboo Carvings” in Baoqing, Hunan Province (present-day Shaoyang City of Hunan Province) .On the basis of the original (round) bamboo carving in the Ming Dynasty, and then in the Qing Dynasty to create and invented bamboo spring and bamboo Spring engraving as a symbol, established in the history of bamboo in China an important position (see my humble book “Baoqing bamboo engraving” Yuelu bookstore published in November 2000). A large number of literati or entertainer, Chengqiyitai, minds and hands-on, try to figure out creativity, with unique artistic personality, exquisite carving skills, full of fresh local style, with unlimited artistic inspiration and painstakingly carved knife, create Countless magnificent bamboo boutique, or into the Palace Art Court. Hall of elegance; or into the literary gentleman Secret possession of secret pavilions, much appreciated favorite; or go abroad, the reputation of broadcast, winning glory for the country. Today, the precious objects of Baoqing preserved in the world famous museums such as the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Forbidden City in Taipei, the Nanjing Museum and the United States, Britain and Japan still shine with the gloriousness of ancient art.