孔子有言“三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命……”从艺之道,是否也是如此呢?我学画近四十年,仍未臻不惑之境,如之奈何? 与友人谈艺,有人口若悬河.侃侃而谈,有人寡言少语,惜字如金。然若要谈创作经验体会之类,侃侃者也会语塞,寡言者未尝没有艰辛,因为此乃画也。画是画出来的,不是说出来的。因此“说画”总难免辞不达意。故善说者,未尝能画,能画者,来尝能说,如之奈何?
Confucius has the words “Thirty and stand, forty and not confused, Fifty and know the destiny of ... ...” Art from the road, is it true? I learn to draw nearly four decades, not yet the realm of confusion, such as how to do? Friends talk about art, there are people in the river .Kan talking about, there are few words, cherish words such as gold. However, if you want to talk about the experience of creation and the like, laughter will be speechless, with no trace of the lack of hardships, because this is painting too. The picture is drawn, not out of words. Therefore, “saying that painting” is inevitably not satisfactory. So good speaker, did not try to draw, can draw, to try to say, such as how to do?