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本文从车辆的行驶特性、经济性和环境法等不同的角度阐述了采用机械增压的理由。以较大的篇幅讲述了大众汽车G增压器的工作原理和结构。并以不同的指标对G增压器和其它类型的机械增压器进行比较,进而得出了G增压器具有充气效率高、机械损失适中、可以设置内压缩,转动惯量小、噪音低以及制造成本低廉等优点的结论。并通过将装有G增压器的机械增压发动机进行装车试验,显示了其性能的优越性。 This paper elaborates on the reasons for using supercharger from the perspectives of vehicle driving characteristics, economy and environmental law. With a larger space about the Volkswagen G supercharger working principle and structure. And compares the G supercharger with other types of superchargers with different indexes, and then concludes that G supercharger has the advantages of high aeration efficiency, moderate mechanical loss, internal compression, low moment of inertia, low noise and Manufacturing costs and other advantages of the conclusion. And through the supercharger equipped with a turbocharged engine loading test, showed its superiority of performance.
Successional and seasonal effects on soil microbial and enzymatic properties were studied in Chinese pine (Pinus tabu- laeformis) plantations in an age sequence
亚洲十年重大地震 Ten-year earthquake in Asia
《甘肃地质学报》是由甘肃省地矿局、甘肃省地质学会共同主办的国内外公开发行的学术性刊物。以刊登本省及相邻省 (区 )地质行业最新科研成果和论文为主 ,同时对普查、勘探、
This note presents a new result of terrestrial mollusk study from the Luochuan loesssection since the last 250 ka. A total of 213 samples, taken at intervals of
1.【自助和互助服务】l’autoassistance et les services d’entraide◆开展社区群众性~dvelopper dans les quartiers rsidentiels l’autoassistance et les services
应广西地质学会名誉理事长罗在明的邀请 ,越南工业部地质矿产研究院阮林玉博士一行 5人于 2 0 0 0年11月 15~ 18日到南宁参观考察。遵照自治区政府王汉民副主席的指示 ,广西国