骨钙蛋白(Osteocalcin,Ost)是一种由成骨细胞合成的羧基谷氨酸(Carboxiglgtamic acoid)。测定血中的OSt可以了解骨代谢和成骨细胞活性。甲状腺功能和骨代谢关系密切,甲亢时,骨代谢加强;反之,甲减时减低。 资料与方法:甲亢组14名(女13,男1),平均年龄37.5±18岁,诊断经T_4、FT_4、T_3和TRH试验证实;甲减组5名,均为女性,平均年龄35±13.5,且都有粘液性水肿,并经T_4、FT_4、T_4和TSH证实。全部患者均采用过影响甲状腺功能和钙代谢的药物,且肾功正常。清晨空腹9-9.30取血测定Ost、硷性磷酸酶(AP)和甲状旁腺激素(PTH),
Osteocalcin (Ost) is a kind of carboxy-glutamic acid synthesized by osteoblasts. Measuring OSt in blood can understand bone metabolism and osteoblast activity. Thyroid function and bone metabolism are closely related, hyperthyroidism, bone metabolism to strengthen; the other hand, reduce hypothyroidism. Materials and Methods: Fourteen hyperthyroid patients (13 males and 1 females) with an average age of 37.5 ± 18 years old were diagnosed by T_4, FT_4, T_3 and TRH tests. Five hypothyroidism women, mean age 35 ± 13.5 , And all had myxedema and confirmed by T_4, FT_4, T_4 and TSH. All patients have used drugs that affect thyroid function and calcium metabolism, and normal renal function. Fasting 9-9.30 fasting blood Ost, alkaline phosphatase (AP) and parathyroid hormone (PTH)