问:不久前您和社科院几位经济学家赴苏参加中苏经济体制改革学术研讨会,并访问了莫斯科、列宁格勒的一些科研单位、大学和企业,您作为《经济社会体制比较》的编委,我们特别希望您能谈谈这次访问的观感。比如,苏联当前经济形势究竟怎样? 张:这个问题提得可太大了,很难概括地回答。我想还是先介绍一下苏联部长会议副主席阿巴尔金院士在会见我们时谈话的一部分内容,这样可能比较客观。
Q: Not long ago, you and some economists from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences paid a visit to the Soviet Union to attend the academic seminar on the economic restructuring of China and the Soviet Union and visited some scientific research units, universities and enterprises in Moscow and Leningrad. As a comparison of the economic and social systems "The editorial board, we particularly hope that you can talk about the perception of this visit. For example, what is the current economic situation in the Soviet Union? Zhang: This question can be raised too much and can not be answered in a general way. I would like to introduce some of the contents of the speech made by the Vice-President Abalin of the Soviet Council of Ministers during their meeting with us, which may be more objective.