大容山花岗岩是华南海西花岗岩中一条规模巨大的复式岩带。它分布于桂东南大容山、六万大山、十万大山一带,出露面积近8000平方公里,长约400公里,宽7—12公里,最宽处达50公里,包括大小岩体约49个。它不仅以宏大的规模引人注目,而以其独特的成分、复杂的形成条件和有待查明的合矿性,更吸引地质工作者对它进行研究。 本文主要是讨论大容山花岗岩的岩石学特征和形成条件。
Dahongshan granite is a large scale complex rock belt in the Hercynian granite in South China. It is located in the southeast of Mount Tai Rongshan, Liuwandashan, Shimensous Mountain area, revealing an area of nearly 8000 square kilometers, about 400 kilometers long and 7-12 kilometers wide, the widest point of 50 kilometers, including the size of rock about 49 A Not only is it attracting attention on an ambitious scale, it is more attractive to geological workers for its unique composition, complex formation conditions and co-occurrence to be identified. This paper mainly discusses the petrological characteristics and formation conditions of the Dagangshan granite.