Silicon Dragon Partners with OTECfor Pitching Contest in Times Square to Start Up in Beijing

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  Little more than a decade ago, China was not on the global map of innovation hotspots. The focus was on Silicon Valley and Israel. But today, that’s all changed. China, once known primarily as the factory of the world, has moved into the spotlight as a startup nation.
  Entrepreneurial talent, venture capital, government policies, startup ecosystems, improved infrastructure, tech hotspots, free trade zones, economic growth and urban consumer markets have led to this change. From large multinationals Lenovo and Huawei to Internet players Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent and Xiaomi, Chinese innovation is no longer in the shadows. China’s vast and fast-growing digital economy is fine-tuned for the latest gadgets from smartphones to Internet-connected wearable devices and bypasses the personal computer era and email.
  China has risen to claim the most Internet users and smartphone subscribers in the world. Moreover, four China websites ? Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent and Sohu ? rank among the top 10 largest internationally. It seems the only direction is up. Considering that mobile Internet usage is not universal yet in China, the only direction is up.
  Throughout China’s switched on markets, mobile communications is where the action is for texts, chats, shopping, banking and payments. Take Tencent’s WeChat in China. This mobile messaging app zoomed to more 300 million users within just two years after its 2011 launch, and today counts 700 million users.
  From transportation to financial services to education, many business sectors such as taxi-hailing services are being disrupted by mobile apps. For instance, China’s leading taxi-hailing app, Didi, counts more than 250 million users in 2015.
  China’s leaps in innovation have been led by private enterprise startups that didn’t exist just 15 years ago. Today, these startups have become tech tians and are competing aggressively. Baidu dominates online search in China while Tencent towers in chat and social messaging. E-commerce giants Alibaba and envelope everything from online shopping to logistics to payments.
  Tech innovation clusters have sprung up throughout China and are spinning out products that can be commercialized. Like in Silicon Valley, these clusters have formed from collective resources for startups: nearby universities, incubators and accelerators, software parks, talent and financing.
  Beijing is a focal point of startup activity in China. The most prominent areas are the Chaoyang district in the central business district and the Haidian tech district, nearby Tsinghua University.   China’s startup boom has its roots in the late 1990s dotcom boom when the “returnee” entrepreneurs ? so-called sea turtles ? journeyed home from overseas to launch Internet startups that copied successful Western business models. With Ivy League graduate degrees, professional experience and Silicon Valley savvy, they established search, e-commerce and social media businesses, raised capital from Sand Hill Road, grabbed market share and built publicly traded tech winners. Baidu emerged as China’s Google, Weibo as China’s Twitter, Renren as China’s Facebook, Dangdang as China’s Amazon, Ctrip as China’s Expedia while Alibaba morphed into an eBay, Yahoo and Amazon combined. Chinese leaders Jack Ma of Alibaba and Robin Li of Baidu became icons in China while Xiaomi co-founder Lei Jun was compared to China’s Steve Jobs.
  Today, in the major innovation hub of Beijing, the tech ecosystem is buzzing with unprecedented activity, a wealth of talent, as well as considerable innovation. Chinese developers are already beginning to leapfrog their foreign counterparts in consumer mobile Internet products, and are catching up fast in many other tech sectors. Chinese entrepreneurs have already been innovating with new business models for several years.
  While the copycats defined the first generation of Chinese startups, China’s new entrepreneurs have gained confidence. While not yet developing disruptive breakthroughs, they have become adept at micro-innovations for the local market and skilled at money-making business models.
  In a leading indicator of change, innovations developed in China such as the freemium model of video games and all-in-one gaming, social sharing and messaging services are now being copied by western markets.
  Homegrown Chinese brands are gaining an edge over overseas competitors that have failed to tweak offerings for local tastes. Chinese smart phone maker Xiaomi, formed in 2010, is a good example as it climbed to become one of China’s and the world’s top-selling smartphone. Xiaomi’s success has been due to building affordable Android devices, designed by Chinese, for Chinese. Look for other up and comers such as LeEco to take a leadership place too not only in China but India and the U.S. too.
  Ideas are developing at a fast pace within this startup ecosystem, fed by cloud computing for online collaboration, speedier Internet connections and tech get-togethers for networking and information exchange. Clusters such as in Chaoyang drive this innovation spurt.   Another major stimulus has been growth of venture capital and angel investment in China. A few years ago, most of that capital came from Sand Hill Road in Silicon Valley from such firms as Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Sequoia Capital and Kleiner Perkins. But today, Chinese venture and angel funds have sprung up. ZhenFund is a good example as the largest angel investor in China with $500 million in assets under management.
  China’s serial entrepreneurs are another catalyst of startup fever. Founders of startups from the first generation have cashed out either through public listings, acquisitions or strategic investment. With their new-found millions, they’ve become startup heroes. Everyone wants to become the next Jack Ma. They’ve also helped to spark a new group of startups often working alongside and advising young founders in their 20s and 30s.
  Little surprise that China is climbing the ladder for new patents. China has ascended from 8th in the world for new patent applications in 2006 to 6th place in 2008, and to third place, according to most recent figures. ZTE and Huawei score among the world’s top patent filers.
  The next horizon for China’s startups is international expansion. Chinese tech titans are strategically investing in U.S. tech startups to gain market share and knowhow, with Alibaba at the forefront buying into Quixey, Tango, Peel, Lyft, Kabam and other innovators in the Valley.
  Expect China innovation to continue to unfold and vie with Silicon Valley for tech innovation leadership. The trend of Silicon Dragon is not even into its third decade but already is having a profound influence on the shape of innovations for tomorrow.
  Staying central in this evolution, Silicon Dragon has recently developed a strategic partnership with COTC’s Overseas Talent Entrepreneurship Conference. Leading up to a key international contest in Beijing in late July, Silicon Dragon launched a pitching contest June 23 at its annual New York City event, held at Nasdaq headquarters in Times Square. Gloria Gao, deputy director of COTC, gave introductory remarks about the competition and its impact on startups in Beijing’s Chaoyang district.
  At the Silicon Dragon event in New York, 19 startup teams pitched on the Nasdaq stage before two of the city’s best venture capitalists: Brian Cohen of New York Angels and New York Venture Partners and Jim Robinson of RRE Ventures. An audience of nearly 250 investors, advisers, founders and mentors as well as media listened attentively while each founder took their turn and pitched. While the startups covered a broad range of technologies ? wearables, solar energy, biotech, mobile apps, B2B analytics and fast food, to name a few ? each one shared in common a desire to expand to China, and specifically to Beijing to scale and realize the full potential of their startups.   The judges were tough ? as they should be! After some 90 minutes of pitching at the event held at Nasdaq headquarters in Times Square, the tension was high. The VC judges scored the founders on five factors: team, market opportunity, business model, competitive advantage and overall impression.
  Everyone wanted to know who would be awarded the winning pitch, who would get to go to Beijing to compete internationally in the Overseas Talent Entrepreneur Center to receive funding, free space and startup advice. None of them had ever raised more than seed financing or money from friends and family.
  Two winners emerged from the group of 19: Miranda Wang of synthetic biology recycling innovator Biocellection, and Juliane Jones of Panda Corner, an interactive language learning platform that relies on song for teaching.
  Silicon Dragon wishes these two New York contenders the best as they compete against contestants internationally for funding, free office space, advisory services and more.
我們在孩子成长的过程中,被用了太多的比较。其实,每个孩子都是一个独一无二的存在,就像千年莲花的种子。在对他灿烂盛开的祝福和期望里,我们是否给对了生根发芽的时节?又是否在他需要阳光和氧气的时候,武断的拒绝了去提供滋养?  设计_李阳  这篇文章叫作《安的种子》,很早以前就看到过,一直记忆犹新。  这个标题写得非常的棒,回想起来,我们在孩子成长的过程中,的确用了太多的比较,“谁谁家的孩子考试比你好”“
Technology Driving Education Reform  在ASU的十多年里,校长Michael M.Crow积极推动大学教育改革,将企业知识、跨学科专业、可持续性发展、社会实践、全球参与和鼓励创新等概念嵌入ASU的长期发展中。  编辑_王阳 供图_美国亚利桑那州立大学 设计_杜亚娜  2017年11月29日,由中外教育机构携手举办的GES 2017未来教育大会在北京召开,此次大会
2018年7月23日,杰睿教育宣布完成1.3亿元A轮融资,由真格教育基金领投,融金富海、千帆资本跟投。本次融资将主要用于收购标的、产品研发和技术投入。  杰睿教育创办于2004年,主营英语学科课外辅导,是北京地区老牌K12教育培训机构,2017年11月由原高思教育联合創始人池恒及其团队完成对杰睿的收购重组。北京杰睿教育与同时完成收购的济南精英教育、徐州直通车教育将作为一二三线城市标杆,助力杰睿教育
新航道国际教育集团坚持“高能高分”的教育理念,帮助众多中国学子实现了美好人生梦。  新航道国际教育集团(NEW CHANNEL INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION GROUP LIMITED) 由中国著名英语教育专家与教学管理专家胡敏教授率领一批国内外教育精英及专家学者共同创办于2004年,下辖培训学校、留学咨询公司、美国AP课程中心、在线教育事业部、优加青少英语事业部、派乐多幼少儿英
生活的镣铐锁不住最初的梦想,历尽千帆归来仍是少年。  北京,盛夏,傍晚7点,潮湿的夜幕随时间一寸寸地俯压下来,覆盖住了城市的身躯。骤起的晚风仿佛发出了大雨将至的讯号,催促着街上的行人匆匆赶路。  例行的日薄西山,例行的热风闷雨,例行的车流编织着缓慢流淌的光线丝带,例行的人潮在地下铁道的迷宫里吞吐聚散。  采访的约定让《留学》记者延宕在办公室的白炽灯光之下,整理着受访者的资料:汪辉,Doctor.
参展学校由728所降至623所,第18届中国国际教育展似乎遭遇了某种困境,但在中国教育国际交流协会自费出国留学中介服务分会秘书长鄂学文看来,穷则变,变则通。传统教育展所遇到的问题,某种程度上来说恰恰是新型教育展创立的契机。  编辑_风火轮供图_鄂学文设计_杜亚娜  2017年10月21日,一年一度的秋季教育展将陆续于北京、上海、成都、广州巡回举行。作为规模最大,时间最长的全国性教育展,展会由中国教
2019年3月15日,在国际消费者权益日的当天下午,光明日报《留学》杂志在北京西城区永安路举行了“2019《留学》大话江湖系列—抄袭的艺术”辩论会。  在当今的时代, 关于“抄袭”的争议随处可见,从2006年的“郭敬明抄袭事件”,2016年的“大张伟音乐抄袭事件”,再到今天的“翟天临学术门事件”,关于抄袭的争论从未停止。“原创”好,“抄袭”不好,道理人人都知道,但“抄袭”现象依然常见,应该如何对待
教育是慢的艺术,做教育也要“脚踏实地,仰望星空”。东方的“道”结合西方的“术”,方可所向披靡。  自2001年成立以来,乐训国际集团一直专注中国孩子的国际教育,并通过不断的教育改革實践与资源优化,形成了以国际课程探究与服务为主体、覆盖多学段多领域的专业化、综合性国际教育服务体系,成为全国国际教育领域的翘楚。  如今,在国际教育迎来3.0时代的当口,集团创始人赵峥涞博士率先业内,旗帜鲜明地提出了“用
马来西亚的高等教育素以“黄金跳板”闻名于世,原因是留学生在马来西亚读书既可以获得第三国(如英、澳、美等国)大学的学位,同时又不用负担英、澳、美等国高额的留学费用,可谓“一箭双雕”。该国的私立大学雄心勃勃,正在极力吸纳国际生源,而中国学生是他们最为看重的生源之一。  上榜理由一:  私立大学释放潜力 教育质量受官方监控  在中国,私立大学或民办大学往往被打上不靠谱的标签。然而,马来西亚的私立大学却全
体育留学问题深度解析,揭秘教育现状,破除思维误区,展望行业前景。  当前的教育改革,为我国时代发展的长卷添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。从中小学到各大高校,教育体制与教学模式无不经历着改革浪潮的冲刷、洗礼与重塑。而在这场具有划时代意义的改革中,素质教育在与应试教育的“较量”中逐渐取得上风,德智体美劳全面发展日益受到重视。作为教育领域中新的关注点,体育教育的问题越来越多地被人们热 议。  2019年10月,中