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近年来,许多企业,特别是中小冶金企业掀起了一股引进二手设备的热潮。对此,各界人士褒贬不—,认为有许多值得探讨之处。归纳起来,主要有以下四个问题。 一、二手设备引进在可行性论证中参数值的定取与计算 方案的技术经济分析与可行性论证是对未来的一种预测,而方案的准确度则要取决于各基本参数的准确度。例如,在生产成本的计算中,原材料价格的确定就有很大的弹性。某钢厂在方案设计时原取铸坯价格为497.9元/吨,后考虑到实际市场价格的变动很大,在评价小连轧的经济效益时选取了与市场价较接近的单价1210元/吨,钢材成本也由原来的590.01元/吨改为1386.11元/吨,据此计算出盈亏平衡产 In recent years, many companies, especially small and medium-sized metallurgical companies, have created an upsurge in the introduction of used equipment. In this regard, people from all walks of life are not praised or criticized - they think there are many things worth exploring. To sum up, there are four main problems. I. Determination and calculation of parameter values ​​for introduction of second-hand equipment in feasibility demonstration The technical economic analysis and feasibility demonstration of the plan are a kind of prediction for the future, and the accuracy of the plan depends on the accuracy of each basic parameter. For example, in the calculation of production costs, the determination of raw material prices has great flexibility. The original billet price of a steel plant during the design of the project was 497.9 yuan/ton. After considering the actual market price, the price of the billet was greatly changed. When evaluating the economic efficiency of the small continuous rolling, the unit price that was closer to the market price was selected. Ton, the cost of steel also changed from the original 590.01 yuan / ton to 1386.11 yuan / ton, based on which the calculation of breakeven production
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几经风雨,几度春秋,当我即将步入花甲之年时,回忆往事,即由衷地想起了《机械工人》——我的良师益友。 After several storms, and several spring and autumn days, when
1961年我从技工学校毕业,进厂当了工人,我决心做一个又红又专的好车工,为建设社会主义贡献自己的力量。 在工作中我逐渐体会到要干好车工,不仅要胆大心细多实践,更需要学习
湖南省宜章县莽山瑶族乡黄家畔 村谭四洪老俩口有一桩两头冒尖事: 一头是老俩口接连把三个儿子送到部队,成为全县远近闻名的“军属大户”,另一头则是老俩口60多岁了在乡政府
国防科工委并转参加长征二号捆绑运载火箭研制、发射试验及工程施工的全体同志: 欣悉你们取得了我国第一枚长征二号捆绑式大推力运载火箭首次发射试验的圆满成功,并为国外用