羊水量在围产医学中的价值已被证实.羊水过多或过少与胎儿畸形密切相关.由于羊水量与胎儿胎盘功能有直接关系,故羊水量是估价围产儿预后的重要指标.近10多年来,由于B 超具有准确、无损伤及重复性强等优点,使其成为监测羊水量的常规手段。1 测量方法1.1 单个最大羊水池垂直深度为临床最常用的方法.Manning 和Monaghan 分别以<1.0cm 和≤3.0cm 为羊水过少的标准.我们认为张首杰等提出的标准较适合,即≤2.0cm 为羊水过少,>2.0~<3.0cm 为羊水较少,≥3.0cm 为正常.一般认为>8.0cm 为羊水过多.
The value of amniotic fluid in perinatal medicine has been confirmed.My or polyhydramnios and fetal malformations are closely related.As the amniotic fluid volume and fetal placental function has a direct relationship, so amniotic fluid volume is an important indicator of prognosis of perinatal evaluation. Over the years, due to B with accurate, non-destructive and reproducible advantages, making it a routine measure of amniotic fluid monitoring. 1 Measurement 1.1 single vertical maximum depth of the pool is the most commonly used clinical method.Manning and Monaghan respectively <1.0cm and <3.0cm for oligohydramnios standard we think Zhang et al. For oligohydramnios,> 2.0 ~ <3.0cm less amniotic fluid, ≥ 3.0cm is normal .It is generally believed that> 8.0cm is too much amniotic fluid.