
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:castor025castor025
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为了鼓励广大读者阅读《花木盆景》,提高花卉园艺鉴赏能力和技艺水平,本刊在百期庆典之际特举办“百期回顾”有奖阅读知识竞赛活动。现将竞赛事项告知如下:一、试题范围:从本刊创刊起至今年第9期止,依时间先后共100道题。二、答题要求:答案以本刊内容为准,采用百分制,一题一分,但每题应注明答案所属期号及页码(后四题无需注明出处)。请用16开信纸答题,不抄题目,只写题号及结果,按试题顺序依次进行。三、奖励:本活动设一等奖2名,奖金各500元;二等奖10名,各奖200元;三等奖30名,各奖50元。竞赛结果将在本刊公布,并刊登一等奖获得者照片。四、参赛时间:1999年10月30日以前将答题寄本刊编辑部(以邮戳为准),并在信封上注明“竞赛”字样。同时请在试卷前写清姓名、性别、年龄、工作单位及职务、文化程度及通联方式等基本情况。 In order to encourage readers to read “bonsai” flowers and improve flower gardening appreciation skills and skills, the magazine held in the 100th anniversary of the special “100 Review” prize reading knowledge contest. The competition matters are as follows: First, the scope of the questions: From the publication until the 9th of this year only, according to the time a total of 100 questions. Second, the answer requirements: The answer to the contents of this publication shall prevail, the use of percentile, a question a minute, but each question should indicate the answer belongs to the number and page number (the latter four questions need not indicate the source). Please use 16 open letter to answer, do not copy the title, only write the title and the results, according to the test order in turn. Third, the reward: The activity set first prize 2, bonus 500 yuan each; second prize 10, each prize 200 yuan; third prize 30, the prize 50 yuan. The results of the competition will be announced in this issue and a photo of the first prize winner will be published. Fourth, entry time: October 30, 1999 before the answer will be sent to the editorial department (postmark date), and marked on the envelope “contest ” words. At the same time please write down the name, sex, age, work unit and job title, education level and the way of communication before the papers.
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