Computer simulation of core filling process of cast high speed steel roll

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:konashu
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Core filling process of cast high speed steel roll was simulated.Ductile iron was used as core material.The influences of filling parameters,such as core filling time and core filling temperature,on the filling process were investigated.Based on the simulated results,optimal core filling parameters were determined.The predicted temperature fields show that the temperature at the roll shoulder is the lowest during the core filling process and usually causes binding defects there.Method for solving this problem was presented. Core filling process of cast high speed steel roll was simulated. Ductile iron was used as core material. These influences of filling parameters, such as core filling time and core filling temperature, on the filling process were investigated. Based on the simulated results, optimal core filling parameters were determined. The predicted temperature fields show that the temperature at the roll shoulder is the lowest during the core filling process and usually causes binding defects. .Method for solving this problem was presented.
1.此心安处是吾乡  除夕的前一个晚上,我又一次回到这个距家有两个多小时车程的小城镇里。这个地方,从小大人就告诉我,叫老家。  可这里于我来说,究竟是什么呢?平心而论,我对这里并不熟悉。我不知道这里的水杯器皿应放在哪里,不知道闲置的空屋到底有什么用,我甚至不知道大年初一来家里拜年的男男女女的姓名,七大姑八大姨的名号更是一无所知。我也不会说这里的家乡话,对这里的记忆在城市的繁华里被挤得褪了色,像暗黄
爱是什么?我问自己,爱是最烈的酒,最浓的茶,是被辣椒呛得通红的脸和那时意犹未尽的泪,是每天清晨拉开窗帘的那一刹那的期待与感动,是每个夜晚关掉台灯时的满足与叹息。爱是什么?我不知道,可我是这样深沉而纠结地爱着你,我的生活。我每日带着我的温柔、狂暴、热情、冷漠去接近你,与你互相安慰、争吵、指责,甚至谩骂,最后又握手言和。  我总在想,你不是一个合格的恋人:你把我曾经的天真烂漫悄悄偷走,私自藏起,把我对