A new traffic model with the consideration of coupling effect with two lanes

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linshenxiu
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This paper introduces a new two-lane high-order continuum model by embedding the two delay time scales continuum traffic model presented by Xue (2003 Phys. Rev. E 68 066123) into the multi-lane model proposed by Daganzo (1997 Transpn. Res. B 31 83) with the consideration of the coupling effect between the vehicles of two lanes in instantaneous traffic situation and lane-change effect. In the novel model, the coupling effect of two lanes and phenomena of lane change, which were not discussed in Daganzo’s model and Xue’s model, are taken into account. Numerical simulation shows that it is in accordance with real traffic flow. This obviously indicates that the new phenomenon and behaviour are analogous results as single lane presented by Xue, and the proposed model is more reasonable on two lanes. Furthermore, the generation rate between two lanes is also investigated. The results show that the formation and diffusion of traffic shock wave can be better simulated on two lanes. This paper introduces a new two-lane high-order continuum model by embedding the two delay time scales continuum traffic model presented by Xue (2003 Phys. Rev. E 68 066123) into the multi-lane model proposed by Daganzo (1997 Transp. Res . B 31 83) with the consideration of the coupling effect between the vehicles of two lanes in instantaneous traffic situation and lane-change effect. In the novel model, the coupling effect of two lanes and phenomena of lane change, which were not discussed in This obvious indicates that the new phenomenon and behaviors are analogous results as single lane presented by Xue, and the proposed model is more reasonable. Daganzo’s model and Xue’s model, are taken into account. on two lanes. Furthermore, the generation rate between two lanes is also investigated. The results show that the formation and diffusion of traffic shock wave can be more simulated on two lanes.
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