Thinking has two purposes, one is intrinsic, the other is beyond. What it seeks on the one hand is the fulfillment of a special kind of satisfaction, that is, satisfying systematic knowledge. On the other hand, it seeks fulfillment and fulfillment among its objects. These two purposes are actually one purpose. This is the basis of metaphysics, on this basis to find consistent beliefs. Truth is thinking close to reality, that is, the process of thinking back home. Its measure is the journey that has taken place under its inner direction, a journey that leads to an understandable system that combines its ultimate object with its ultimate purpose. The degree of truth in our whole experience depends on the degree of the system it reaches, and the degree of truth of a particular proposition is first and foremost determined by it and the degree of consistency of experience as a whole, and finally by the all-encompassing line of thought and thought The well-structured overall consistency to judge. It is the consistent knowledge that each of these judgments prescribes the rest of the system and the rest of the system. A completely satisfied system is that no proposition is formulated at will. Each proposition must be deduced from the sum of all other propositions or another separate proposition. No proposition can be independent of the entire system. If we acknowledge that consistency is the test of truth, that is, the nature of consistency, the truth. Some philosophers’ answers to the question “What is the test of truth?” Are “consistent” and the answer to the question “what is the nature of truth?” Is “coincidence.” But if we hold that truth is in accordance with objective things, we can not make it plain to say that the truth is based on consistency or that there is any credible test of reason. Because we can never prove that it has the same degree of conformity with anything in the world from the high degree of consistency within the experience. And because you want to know that our experience is in conformity with facts, we must first grasp the fact itself, not allow confusion with the concept, and then compare the two. However, such a fact is impossible to achieve.