1996年,铁路建设继承“八五”会战成果,继续保持了良好的发展势头,圆满完成了铁路工程建设和各项工作任务,为“九五”铁路建设开了个好头。 年度基建计划全面完成。全年完成铁路基建投资320亿元(另省筹投资完成20亿元)。其中49项大中型建设项目完成266.8亿元。完成正线铺轨1307
In 1996, following the success of the Eighth Five-Year Plan Campaign, the railway construction continued its good momentum of development and successfully completed the construction of the railway project and various tasks for the railway construction. The railway construction made a good start for the Ninth Five-year Plan. The annual infrastructure plan is fully completed. The railway infrastructure investment of 32 billion yuan was completed in the year (another 2 billion yuan was invested in the provincial fund-raising project). Among them, 49 large and medium-sized construction projects completed 26.68 billion yuan. Finish the front lay 1307