精准防控风险点 堵塞失泄密隐患——宁夏回族自治区政府办公厅保密委印发《保密风险点及防控措施》

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近日,为进一步筑牢保密防线,宁夏回族自治区政府办公厅保密委按照中央和自治区保密工作要求,结合保密自查自评和专项检查情况,对全厅保密工作存在的问题和潜在风险点进行了梳理,共列出了涉密人员、网络设备、文件信息、涉密场所、定密管理等8个方面的风险点,有针对性地制定了19条防控应对措施,同时修订完善了15项保密工作制度和规范,通过精准防控风险点,堵塞失泄密隐患。一是紧盯人员管理,筑牢思想 Recently, in order to further build a safe and secure line of defense, the government secretarial office of the government office of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region conducted a review of the problems and potential risks in the entire department’s confidential work according to the requirements of confidential work of the central and autonomous regions and the self-assessment of confidentiality and special inspections. Sort out a total of 19 risk prevention and control measures targeted at 8 risk areas including secret agents, network equipment, document information, classified places, and confidential management, and at the same time revised and improved 15 Confidentiality work system and norms, through precise prevention and control of risk points, plug the leakage of hidden dangers. First, focus on personnel management, build a firm mind
采用高浓度氯化锌乙醇溶液为反应体系,高效催化降解环氧树脂基炭纤维( CF/EP)复合材料并回收炭纤维。考察反应温度与氯化锌浓度对树脂基体降解的影响,探讨环氧树脂在氯化锌乙醇溶