由汇源科技发展股份有限公司中标承建 ,精心打造的四川境内率先启动建设的双向综合信息网于2 0 0 2年 1月在四川省乐山市五通桥区建成并顺利开通。率先受益的 4万有线电视用户和 4 0 0 0台计算机用户从此可实现Internet高速访问、VOD视频点播、远程教育和医疗、网上
The two-way comprehensive information network, which was built by Huiyuan Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. and won the bid in Sichuan Province, was the first to be built in Sichuan Wutongqiao District, Leshan City, Sichuan Province in January 2002 and was successfully opened. The first to benefit 40,000 cable TV users and 400 computer users from here to achieve Internet high-speed access, VOD video on demand, distance education and medical, online