假性肺动脉狭窄是指非肺动脉瓣本身病变所造成的右心排血受阻的后天性疾病,临床上表规酷似肺动脉瓣狭窄,国外多称为获得性肺动脉瓣狭窄(Acguired pulmonic ste-nosis),可因右室腔内肿块引起右室流出道梗阻,也可因心外肿块压迫影响右室排血。生前明确诊断对患者治疗和预后均有很大关系。现就我们所见的3例患者进行报告。
Pseudo pulmonary stenosis refers to non-pulmonary valve disease itself caused by obstruction of the right heart after acquired diseases, clinical manifestations resemble pulmonary valve stenosis, foreign mostly known as acquired pulmonary stenosis (Acguired pulmonic ste-nosis) Right ventricular intracavitary may cause right ventricular outflow tract obstruction, but also because of heart mass oppression affect right ventricular ejection. A clear diagnosis of life before treatment and prognosis of patients have a great relationship. We now report on the three patients we have seen.