
来源 :医药工程设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangwilly
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地基基础是工业和民用建筑结构的重要组成部分。结构设计的成效往往取决于基础方案的选择是否妥善以及基础设计是否能适应建筑地基的实际情况。在《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GBJ7—89)的总则里指出:“地基基础设计必须坚持因地制宜、就地取材的原则”。工程设计人员在具体设计中如何根据地质勘察资料、综合考虑结构类型、材料情况以及施工条件等因素进行精心设计,使设计做到技术先进、经济合 The foundation of the foundation is an important part of the structure of industrial and civil buildings. The effectiveness of structural design often depends on the proper selection of the basic program and whether the basic design can adapt to the actual situation of the building foundation. In the “General Rules for the Design of Foundations for Buildings” (GBJ7-89), it is pointed out that “the basic design of foundation must adhere to the principle of local conditions and local materials.” In the specific design of the project design engineer, how to carefully design based on geological survey data, comprehensive consideration of structural types, material conditions, and construction conditions, so that the design is advanced technology and economic cooperation.
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