从“牌子”升级为伟大的品牌,品牌意念一定要够尖锐,够个性。近日,公司安排了一次到著名4A广告公司智威汤逊培训学习的机会,笔者有幸与其亚太区首席执行官唐锐涛先生进行了为期一天的深度交流。唐锐涛先生从1998年来到上海并一直留在中国,逐步成为亚洲最受欢迎的广告人之一。其心理学的背景使其非常善于洞察和解读消费者,而15年的中国生活让其尤其了解中国消费者,成了中国通。与唐先生的交流,受益匪浅。唐先生认为,好的品牌应建立在深刻的消费者洞察上,并通过与品牌独特利益点(UBO)的结合,再通过创意的形式,表述为品牌意念(Brand IDEA)。而尖锐的消费者洞察来源于对人性冲突和文化冲突的深刻洞见。
From the “brand” upgrade to a great brand, the brand idea must be sharp enough, enough personality. Recently, the company arranged an opportunity to learn from JWT, the famous 4A advertising company. I was fortunate to have a one-day deep exchange with Mr. Tang Ruitao, CEO of APT. Mr. Tang Ruitao arrived in Shanghai in 1998 and has remained in China and has gradually become one of the most popular advertisers in Asia. Its psychology background makes it very good at insight and interpretation of consumers, and 15 years of Chinese life so that it is especially Chinese consumers, has become China pass. Exchange with Mr. Tang, benefit greatly. Mr. Tang believes that a good brand should be based on deep consumer insights and be expressed as a brand IDEA through its combination with UBO. Sharp consumer insights come from deep insight into human and cultural conflicts.