一手抓非典防治 一手抓维护稳定

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徐州市司法行政机关对非典防治期间做好维护社会政治稳定工作高度重视,采取有力措施,切实发挥出了司法行政机关的职能作用。全市司法行政机关从思想工作入手,要求以高度的政治责任感,牢固确立维护稳定是份内职责和首要任务的意识,一手抓防治非典,一手抓维护稳定。为做好在非典防治期间维护稳定的工作,对各项工作提出了具体要求。1、认真做好在非典防治期间的法制宣传教育工作。一是加大宣传力度。充分发挥法制宣传教育队伍和宣传阵地的作用,采取多种形式,大力宣传《传染病防治法》等有关法律法规。二是加大应急处置力度。三是加大送法上门的力度。市局免费发放《非典型肺炎防治工作法制宣传法律法规汇编》2000余册。 The judicial and administrative organs of Xuzhou attach great importance to maintaining social and political stability during the period of SARS prevention and control and take effective measures to effectively exert the functions of the judicial and administrative organs. Starting from ideological work, the city’s judicial administrative organ demanded that with a high sense of political responsibility, firmly establish the awareness of maintaining the stability as the internal duty and the primary task. In one hand, the prevention and treatment of atypical pneumonia should be conducted while maintaining the stability. In order to do a good job of maintaining stability during the SARS prevention and treatment period, specific requirements have been put forward for various tasks. 1, conscientiously do a good job during the prevention and treatment of SAR legal publicity and education. First, increase publicity efforts. We will give full play to the role of legal publicity and education teams and publicity positions and take various forms to vigorously publicize the relevant laws and regulations such as the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases. The second is to increase emergency efforts. Third, increase the intensity of home delivery method. The municipal bureau distributes free of charge more than 2000 volumes of the compilation of laws and regulations on the legal prevention and control of atypical pneumonia.
本刊讯 5月26-28日举行的省十届人大常委会第三次会议,听取和审议了副省长雷于蓝代表省政府所作关于我省非典型肺炎防治情况的报告。卢钟鹤代表省人大常委会作了讲话,高度评
同志们: 昨天,李光荣同志受次仁达局长的委托所作的工作报告,总结回顾了2004年的工作,安排部署了2005年的地勘经济工作,我认为这个报告讲成绩实事求是,讲目标任务明确,讲措
人有喜怒哀乐,哭也是一种情绪的表现。初生婴儿在饥饿、疼痛、尿布潮湿或有其他 不适时,会张嘴啼哭。对于这种啼哭,父母比较容易理解,常常会采取安慰的态度。可是随 着年龄的增长
2003年中国集成电路产业发展战略研讨暨产品展示会及第六届中国半导体行业协会IC分会年会将于2003年9月在苏州举行。 2003 China IC Industry Development Strategy Semina