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通过查阅资料和专家调查,收集了大量的发展排球运动员爆发力的训练手段,经筛选并运用模糊数学的方法进行处理,优化出5种训练手段作为提高排球运动员的爆发力的最优手段,并运用到普通高校运动队的训练中。实验证明优化后训练手段能更有效、更全面地提高排球运动员的爆发力水平,从而为科学地运用训练手段提高排球运动员运动成绩提供了理论依据和量化指标。 By referring to the data and expert investigation, a great deal of training methods for developing the explosive power of volleyball players were collected. After screening and using fuzzy mathematics methods, five kinds of training methods were optimized as the best means to improve the explosive power of volleyball players. Training of college sports teams. Experiments show that the optimized training method can improve the explosive ability of volleyball players more effectively and effectively, which provides the theoretical basis and quantitative index for scientifically using training methods to improve the performance of volleyball players.
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