由国家教委、国家体委、劳动部主办的全国首届职业技术学校田径运动会暨全国职教系统体育工作先进学校表彰会于8月23日至29日在山西省太原市举行。 24日下午运动会开幕式在太原市山西体育场隆重举行。中央有关部委及山西省党政领导出席了开幕式。山西省省长孙文盛致欢迎词。他代表三千万山西人民向参加这次盛会的全国各
The 1st National Athletic Association of Vocational and Technical Athletics and the National Advanced Vocational School for Physical Education and Vocational Education, organized by the State Education Commission, the State Sports Commission and the Ministry of Labor, were held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province from August 23 to August 29. On the afternoon of the 24th, the opening ceremony of the Games was held in Shanxi Stadium in Taiyuan. Relevant ministries and commissions of the Central Government and party and government leaders in Shanxi Province attended the opening ceremony. Shanxi Province Governor Sun Wensheng addressed a welcome speech. On behalf of 30 million Shanxi people, he represented all the countries participating in the event