本文报告一例房性心动过速(以下简称 PAT)伴房室传导阻滞(AVB),继发急性前壁心肌梗塞、心力衰竭患者,经多种抗心律失常药物,直流同步电复律无效后,用心脏起搏术超速抑制使 PAT 转为窦性心律,兹报道如下。病例摘要患者男,67岁,青海籍,农民。因进行性心慌,气短二个月,喘咳、端坐呼吸、尿少,浮肿一周,于82年10月6日急诊入院。既往有“结核”史,无高血压及心前区疼痛史。入院体检:体温36.2℃,脉搏数不清,呼吸40次/分,血压90/60mmHg。神清合作,一般情况差,端坐呼吸,唇及四肢末稍紫绀。气管正中,轻度桶状胸,两
This article reports a case of atrial tachycardia (hereinafter referred to as PAT) with atrioventricular block (AVB), secondary acute anterior myocardial infarction, heart failure patients, after a variety of anti-arrhythmic drugs, DC synchronous cardioversion invalid , Pacing with cardiac pacing speeding PAT into sinus rhythm, it is reported below. Case Summary Male patient, 67 years old, Qinghai membership, farmer. Due to progressive palpitation, shortness of breath for two months, cough, sitting, breathing, oliguria, edema week, October 6, 82 emergency admission. Past history of “tuberculosis”, no history of hypertension and precordial pain. Admission medical examination: body temperature 36.2 ℃, pulse count, breathing 40 beats / min, blood pressure 90 / 60mmHg. Clear cooperation, the general situation is poor, sitting and breathing, lips and extremities at the end of cyanosis. Tracheal median, mild barrel chest, two