又到一年上海国际电影节!不经意间,这个海上电影盛会已经有19年的历史了。如今电影形势一片大好,电影票房年年创新高,涌入电影市场的热钱烫得电影人接不住。在这样的大环境下崛起的北京国际电影节,可谓是生得太逢时,或者干脆可以称之为时势造就。但,诞生于1993年的上海国际电影节,每一步走得都不轻松。2012年,电影节组委会终于敢骄傲地说:这是1 9年来,最豪华的一次!因为今年共计有来自106个国家和地区的1643部影片报名参加金爵奖角逐,而在
Another year to the Shanghai International Film Festival! Inadvertently, this maritime movie festival has 19 years of history. Now the movie situation is excellent, the movie box office record high every year, into the movie market hot money hot movie people could not hold. The rise of Beijing International Film Festival under this kind of environment can be described as a coincidence, or simply can be called a trendsetter. However, Shanghai International Film Festival was born in 1993, every step is not easy to go. In 2012, the Film Festival Organizing Committee finally dared to say proudly: This is the most luxurious one in 19 years! Because a total of 1,643 films from 106 countries and regions were enrolled in the Golden Grand Prix this year,