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本文从社会学角度分析了皮影文化遗产旅游开发中需要注意的四种关系,即差异与相似、传统与创新、真实性与商品化、旅游者与东道主,内容涉及市场确定、产品定位、旅游体验。皮影文化遗产旅游开发应以真实性为内核,大胆进行商品化创新;不能忽视国际市场,注意营造“环境空气泡”保护墙;兼顾不断建构的旅游者主体间以及旅游者与东道主之间的身份、情感、利益等关系。 This article analyzes four kinds of relationships that need attention in the tourism development of Shadow Culture Heritage from the sociological point of view, that is, differences and similarities, tradition and innovation, authenticity and commercialization, tourists and hosts, content related to market determination, product positioning, tourism experience . Cultural heritage tourism development should be based on the authenticity of the core, bold commercial innovation; can not ignore the international market, pay attention to create “environmental bubble ” protection of the wall; taking into account the constant construction of tourists and between tourists and host Identity, emotions, interests and other relations.
有 “ 十不闲”之称的泰山皮影戏,享有 “ 国宝”“ 泰山文化活化石”“ 中华绝技”的美誉,在国内外颇负盛名,具有重要的历史文化价值.然而泰山皮影戏当今生存状况不容乐观,