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从豆蔻年华到高龄少女,我同欢欢认识九年了。女孩的成长经历里总离不了爱情,九年里她喜欢过三个男孩。高中时候喜欢的那个男孩,黑黑瘦瘦,粤语歌唱得超棒,当年凭借Beyond的一首《海阔天空》,成为班里一票女生的梦中情人。高中时候的情感含蓄而羞涩,她是他众多仰慕者中的一员,默默地关注着他,偷偷对他好,认认真真写情书,情书里夹着自己的照片。大学时她喜欢上另外一个男孩,掏心掏肺地喜欢,也是同班同学,男孩有异地女友,暖昧高手,不接受也不拒绝,她的一颗心七上八下,悬在他身上整整阳年。为他鞍前马后,为他辗转反侧,一门心思 From cardamom age to old girl, I know the joy and joy for nine years. The girl’s growth experience can not be separated from love, she likes three boys in nine years. Like the boy in high school, black and thin, Cantonese singing great, then with Beyond a “sea of ​​bristles,” a dream girl in the class dreams. Emotions in high school were subtle and shy. She was one of his many admirers, watching him silently, secretly treating him well, writing love letters earnestly, and holding his own photo in love letters. When she was in college, she liked another boy, loving him and loving him. She was also a classmate with a classmate, a boy with a strange girl who did not accept or reject her. year. For his saddle before the horse, as he was tossing and turning, a thought
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在市场经济的冲击之下,在外来思想的影响之下,许多传统的东西被打破了,而新的社会规范还未完全建立起来,因而理想信念在许多人的思想深处或者变得淡漠,或者变得 Under the i
【案情介绍】2004年7月30日上午,某镇一村妇,在庭院外浇地现场作业时不幸触电身亡。某供电企业闻讯后会同公安法医和安监局等部门赶到事故 【Case Presentation】 On the mo
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