It is considered feasible to separate transuranic elements from high-level liquid waste in China. The TRPO process developed in China can obtain the decontamination coefficient suitable for surface storage. An overview of the TRPO process research and development, gives the process diagram. Existing concentrated HLR in China has very high salinity and appears three phases when it comes into contact with the TRPO extractant. If the concentration of high-level waste diluted 2 to 3 times, and then extracted by TRPO eliminate three-phase, and preliminary experiments have shown good results. Separation of strontium and cesium from high-level liquid waste is also feasible and the separation process is under investigation. Separation of transuranics and long-lived radionuclides from waste fluids provides a new alternative to the disposal of high-level liquid waste in China. This method of separation and disposal can greatly reduce the amount of high-level α-waste that needs to be glass-cured and deep-ground disposal, which can greatly reduce waste disposal costs.