Preparation of ZrO_2-Al_2O_3 micro-laminated coatings on stainless steel and their high temperature

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:h515295585
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Micro-laminated ZrO_2-Al_2O_3 coatings were prepared by electrochemical depositing ZrO_2 film and Al_2O_3 film alternatively in ethanol solutions containing aluminum nitrate and zirconium nitrate, with small amounts of (yttrium) nitrate added respectively into both solutions. The micro-laminated ZrO_2-Al_2O_3 coating is of nanostructure. FE-SEM analyses show that the cross section of the micro-laminated coatings has alternate six-layer films of ZrO_2 and Al_2O_3, with the thickness of each layer in the range of nanometer or submicron. The surface of the (micro-)(laminated) coatings is composed of nano-particles. SEM, XRD and mass gain measurement were adopted to study the oxidation resistance of coatings on stainless steel. It has been found that all the coatings are effective in protecting the substrate from oxidation, and micro-laminated coatings exhibit more excellent protectiveness performance. Mechanisms accounting for such effects have been discussed. Micro-laminated ZrO_2-Al_2O_3 coatings were prepared by electrochemical depositing ZrO_2 film and Al_2O_3 film either in ethanol solutions containing aluminum nitrate and zirconium nitrate, with small amounts of (yttrium) nitrate added separately into both solutions. The micro-laminated ZrO_2-Al_2O_3 coating is the nanostructure. FE-SEM analyzes show that the cross section of the micro-laminated coatings has alternate six-layer films of ZrO 2 and Al 2 O 3, with the thickness of each layer in the range of nanometers or submicron. The surface of the (micro SEM, XRD and mass gain measurement were applied to study the oxidation resistance of coatings on stainless steel. It has been found that all the coatings are effective in protecting the substrate from oxidation, and micro-laminated coatings exhibit more excellent protectiveness performance. Mechanisms accounting for such effects have been discussed.
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