建好村支部 农村面貌新——渭源县会川镇党委抓农村基层组织建设纪实

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会川镇位于渭源县西南部,距县城35公里,是“212”甘川国道和“316”福兰国道的交汇处。全镇有15个村、6710户、30119人,是渭源县四大集镇之一。镇内市场活跃,商贾云集,洋芋、中药材等产品交易量很大。1999年,全镇大口径财政收入169万多元,农民人均纯收入1380元。但在1997年以前,这里的群众还靠“扶贫、救济”过日子。提起这几年的变化,村干部和群众都说:“多亏有一个狠抓农村支部建设,一心为咱老百姓办实事的镇党委!”转变观念建班子调整视角选能人1997年以前,会川镇的群众习惯于听天由命、坐等救济,因此,改革开放十几年来,这里仍然面貌依旧。为了彻底改变“等、靠、要”的旧观念,解决基层组织“有人管事,有能人办事”的问题,会川镇党委把培养和选拔村党支部书记的重点放在能否带头致富和带领群众致富上,先后整顿了6个村党支部,书记、村主任都是本村的“致富能人”。实践证明,这些人上任后,是能够带领群众致富的。河里庄村1998年前是个后进村,整顿中,在镇党委的指导下,把跑市场、贩药材的年轻党员张进昌选为村支书,把科学 Huichuan town is located in the southwestern Weiyuan County, 35 kilometers from the county, is the “212 ” Gan River State Road and “316 ” Fulan State Road intersection. The town has 15 villages, 6710 households, 30119 people, is one of the four major towns in Weiyuan County. The town market is active, merchants gathered, potato, Chinese herbal medicines and other products trading volume. In 1999, the town received a large-caliber financial income of 1.69 million yuan and the per capita net income of peasants reached 1,380 yuan. However, before 1997, the people here also rely on “helping the poor and recuperating” to live their lives. Mentioning the changes in recent years, the village cadres and the masses all said: “Thanks to a town party committee that has paid close attention to the construction of rural branches and is committed to helping the people do practical things!” To change the concept of building a team to adjust the perspective of selecting people Prior to 1997, The people in Huichuan town are accustomed to hearing from their own lives and waiting for relief. Therefore, the reform and opening up more than a decade ago, the face remains the same here. In order to completely change the old notion of “rely on and want,” and solve the problem of grass-roots organizations, “some people are in charge and others are capable of doing things.” The party committee of Huichuan Town will focus on cultivating and selecting village party branch secretaries Whether to take the lead to get rich and lead the masses to get rich, it has successively reorganized six village party branches, secretary and village chiefs, all of whom are “able-bodied people” of the village. Practice shows that when these people took office, they were able to lead the masses to get rich. Hezhuang Zhuangcun was a backward village until 1998. Under the guidance of the town party committee, Zhang Li-chang, a young party member who ran the market and trafficked herbs, was chosen as the secretary of the village party committee and put science
加强和改进党的建设 ,始终保持党的先进性和纯洁性 ,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力 ,是我们建设有中国特色社会主义事业胜利前进的根本保证。江泽民同志高度重视加强和
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