At present, syntactic circles generally agree that the double object sentences are divided into double object sentences and double object sentences, which is a more controversial category of double object structure. Some scholars have proposed that the double-typed sentences should be given to double-like sentences, and some scholars do not agree with the existence of double-typed sentences. It is considered that the double-object sentences should be single-object sentences, “Eaten him three apples ” and “Mr. Zhang broke up his four cups ” This intense discussion of the structure of such sentences. In the end whether this type of sentence belongs to the double-object sentence or the single-object sentence has the meaning of justice has been unable to give a clear definition. By studying and analyzing the literature of this kind of sentence structure, this dissertation holds that a class of double-object sentences is a subclass of generalized double object sentences. Because of the dynamic of the grammar, it has the characteristics of single-object sentences. Although the conversion of single-guest relations, but belong to the double-guest statements and single-guest statements.