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攀枝花高钛型钒钛磁铁矿,在高炉冶炼中(TiO_2)高达25%~30%,用常规方法冶炼将会出现炉渣粘稠、渣铁不分、炉缸堆积等现象。由于这一特性,给攀钢高炉达产、高产带来了一系列的困难。30年来,攀钢高炉炼铁生产大致可分为以下三个阶段:一是1970~1979年的达产攻关阶段,这个阶段攻克了泡沫渣、粘罐、高铁损三大技术难题,使高炉利用系数达到1.4的设计水平;二是1980~1993年的稳步提高阶段,这个阶段主要是巩固攻关成果,推广、开发应用新技术,进行二期工程建设,提高技术装备水平;三是1994~2000年的超常规发展阶段,这个阶段主要是开发完善钒钛磁铁矿高炉强化冶炼新技术,主要技术经济指标实现重大突破阶段,高炉利用系数达到2.29以上。展望未来,攀钢高炉冶炼技术的发展前景非常广阔,预计到2005年,攀钢将形成年产生铁450万t的生产能力,高炉利用系数可达2.5以上。 Panzhihua high-titanium vanadium titanomagnetite, in blast furnace smelting (TiO_2) up to 25% to 30%, smelting by conventional methods there will be slag viscosity, slag iron, hearth accumulation and so on. Due to this feature, Panzhihua Iron and Steel blast furnace production, high yield has brought a series of difficulties. In the past 30 years, the production of blast furnace iron and steel in Panzhihua Iron and Steel can be roughly divided into the following three stages: First, the stage of reaching production in 1970 ~ 1979, this phase to overcome the three technical problems of foam slag, sticky cans, high iron loss, blast furnace utilization The coefficient reached the design level of 1.4; the second is the stage of steady improvement from 1980 to 1993, this stage is mainly to consolidate the research achievements, promotion, development and application of new technologies, the second phase of construction, improve the level of technical equipment; Third, from 1994 to 2000 Of the extraordinary stage of development, this stage is to develop and improve the vanadium-titanium magnetite blast furnace smelting new technology, major technical and economic indicators to achieve a major breakthrough stage, blast furnace utilization factor of 2.29 or more. Looking to the future, Panzhihua blast furnace smelting technology development prospects are very broad, is expected to 2005, Panzhihua Iron and Steel will produce an annual output of 4.5 million tons of iron production capacity, blast furnace utilization factor of up to 2.5 or more.
坚持“行政为主,市场为辅”,以提高办报质量和遵循市场规则为前提,调动一切可能的力量,转变思想,提高服务质量,是党报的市场化发行所必须遵循的原则 Adhering to the princi
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4 13人 代号院校及专业 ,231华中科技大学高等技术学院 (湖北省武汉市) 01建筑装饰工程技术(汉阳分院 (武汉市建设学校)) 02工程造价(汉阳分院(武汉市 建设学校)) 2112武汉科