新疆独山子石化总厂是集炼油、化工、精细化工为一体的综合型大企业。全厂职工1.5万人,有各类专业技术人才6千余人。目前能生产六大类20多种产品,1980年以来,产品出厂合格率连续15年保持100%,1989年获中国石油天然气总公司质量管理奖,1994年被评为全国60家质量效益型企业之一。该厂多年来始终坚持以质量求生存,以效益求发展,坚持不懈地推行全面质量管理,依靠科技进步,走质量效益型道路。 一、把TQC思想落到实处,狠抓过程质量管理 从原材料进厂抓起,不合格产品不许入厂;抓工序质量管理,把生产过程中的主要工艺参数作为工序控制
Xinjiang Dushanzi Petrochemical Plant is an integrated large-scale enterprise integrating oil refining, chemical engineering and fine chemicals. The factory employs 15,000 people and has more than 6,000 professional and technical personnel. Currently, it can produce six categories and more than 20 kinds of products. Since 1980, the qualified rate of products leaving the factory has remained at 100% for 15 years in a row. In 1989, it was awarded the Quality Management Award by China National Petroleum Corporation. In 1994, it was awarded as a national quality and efficiency company. one. For many years, the factory has always insisted on the quality of survival, efficiency and development, unremittingly promote the implementation of total quality management, rely on scientific and technological progress, and take the quality and efficiency of the road. First, the TQC idea is implemented, pay close attention to process quality management from the raw materials into the plant, unqualified products are not allowed to enter the factory; grasp process quality management, the production process of the main process parameters as process control