A scenario analysis of oil and gas consumption in China to 2030 considering the peak CO_2 emission c

来源 :Petroleum Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanghaocong
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China is now beginning its 13 th five-year guideline.As the top CO_2 emitter,China has recently submitted the intended nationally determined contributions and made the commitment to start reducing its total carbon emissions in or before 2030.In this study,a bottom-up energy system model is built and applied to analyze the energy(mainly coal,oil,and gas) consumption and carbon emissions in China up to 2030.The results show that,the total energy consumption will reach a peak of 58.1 billion tonnes of standard coal and the CO_2 emissions will get to105.8 billion tonnes.Moreover,in the mitigation scenario,proportion of natural gas consumption will increase by 7%in 2020 and 10%in 2030.respectively.In the transportation sector,gasoline and diesel consumption will gradually decrease,while the consumption of natural gas in2030 will increase by 2.7 times compared to the reference scenario.Moreover,with the promotion of electric cars,the transport electricity consumption will increase 3.1 times in2030 compared to the reference scenario.In order to fulfill the emission peaking target,efforts should be made from both the final demand sectors and oil and gas production industries,to help adjust the energy structure and ensure the oil and gas supply in future. China is now beginning its 13 th five-year guideline. As the top CO 2 emitter, China has recently submitted the intended nationallytermined contributions and made the commitment to start reducing its total carbon emissions in or before 2030. In this study, a bottom- up energy system model is built and applied to analyze the energy (mainly coal, oil, and gas) consumption and carbon emissions in China up to 2030. The results show that, the total energy consumption will reach a peak of 58.1 billion tonnes of standard coal and the CO_2 emissions will get to 105.8 billion tonnes. Moreover, in the mitigation scenario, proportion of natural gas consumption will increase by 7% in 2020 and 10% in 2030. espectively.In the transportation sector, gasoline and diesel consumption will gradually decrease, while the consumption of natural gas in2030 will increase by 2.7 times compared to the reference scenario. Moreover, with the promotion of electric cars, the transport electricity consumption will increase 3.1 times in2030 compared to the reference scenario.In order to fulfill the emission peaking target, efforts should be made from both the final demand sectors and oil and gas production industries, to help adjust the energy structure and ensure the oil and gas supply in future.
你不为谁而活,只应为己而活。你的健康和幸福只属于自己。你匆匆而去的脚步,是否可以让更多活着的人更好地生活?  2014年8月26日23时47分,大众理财顾问杂志社优秀青年编辑雷文英因病去世,年仅33岁。  震惊、伤心、痛惜……各种复杂的情绪如潮水般涌来。  噩耗总是来得那么突然。从得知她患癌住院到离世,只有两个月的时间,《大众理财顾问》也只来得及出了两期。如今伊人已逝,版权页上的名字犹在,只是自这
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马 航飞机失联后的第一个周一,工作照例繁忙,QQ、微信、短消息各种乱闪。突然跳出一个对话框,一个熟人说:“在机场,和客户聊天,听说他们公司有好多同事在大马的飞机上。这是第一次,觉得我与空难如此之近。”  我怔住,还没想好要如何回应,腾讯新闻跳出来:“湖北某地27岁×××确认在MH370上,其为剑桥博士,新婚仅1月,父母已赴京。祈福!”  我不知不觉看了好几遍,心里冰冰凉凉:停船暂借问,或恐是同乡。
光棍树  在东非和南非的高温干旱地区,生长着一种奇特有趣的树。它只有树干和枝条,没有叶子和花朵,浑身上下光溜溜的。人们形象地称它为“光棍树”。  其实光棍树并不是不会长叶子,把它移栽到温暖湿润的地方,它很快就会长出叶子。它之所以长成这副模样,完全是为了适应环境,自我革命自我改造的结果。在高温干旱的环境里,不长叶子,可以减少水分蒸发,就避免了被旱死的危险。其他植物长叶子是为了存活,光棍树不长叶子也是
清清的河水,静静地流淌。那水,清澈得无与伦比;那河,美得摄人魂魄……  那一刻,我惊呆了!  当我们在融融春意中进入海拔3000多米的青海境内,停车小憩时,无意中路边那条壮美的河流扑入我的视野。当得知那就是养育了中华民族的母亲河时,我飞奔而去,坐在她的身旁,痴痴地凝望。我醉了,如痛饮了美酒醇浆。  在常人眼里,在我的记忆中,黄河浊浪翻滚,泥沙俱下,与如今面前的青山绿水形同泾渭,有别天壤。我简直不敢