新爱尔兰岛位于太平洋西南部,是巴布亚新几内亚的一个省份。1643年,荷兰东印度公司塔斯曼(Able Janszoon Tasman)船长在南太平洋的岛屿附近看到一条奇异的捕鲨舟,同船的一位艺术家将所见的场景画成素描,并且详尽的记录下了舟上三个男人的发型,船头的装饰,船桨上的雕刻以及三人横列于舟上的姿
New Ireland island is located in the southwest Pacific Ocean, is a province of Papua New Guinea. In 1643, Captain Able Janszoon Tasman of the Dutch East India Company saw an exotic shark-hunting boat near the islands of the South Pacific. An artist with the boat drew a picture of the scene he saw and detailed the boat The three men’s hairstyles, bow decoration, sculptures on paddles, and the trio’s posture on the boat