
来源 :电子工艺技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:durrenchen
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前言塑料电镀是在塑料件表面上电镀一层金属的工艺过程。塑料件上电镀了一层金属,不仅使塑料件具有导电性、导磁性、可焊性及金属光泽等金属特性,而且提高了塑料件的机械强度和耐磨性。又由于金属镀层对光、大气等外界因素具有较高的稳定性,因之塑料电镀金属后可防止塑料老化,延长塑料件的使用寿命。另外,由于塑料件较金属件易加工成型、重量轻、成本低,因而用电镀的塑料件代替金属件可以成型形状复杂的零件;可提高 Introduction Plastic plating is the process of plating a layer of metal on the surface of plastic parts. Plating a layer of metal on the plastic part not only makes the plastic part have the metal characteristics of conductivity, permeability, solderability and metallic luster, but also improves the mechanical strength and wear resistance of the plastic part. And because the metal coating on the light, the atmosphere and other external factors with high stability, because of plastic plating metal to prevent plastic aging, to extend the life of plastic parts. In addition, as the plastic parts are easier to process than the metal parts, light weight and low cost, the plastic parts can be electroplated instead of the metal parts to form the parts with complex shapes;