Collective motion in non-reciprocal swarms

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aeo55121890
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This paper studies a non-reciprocal swarm model that consists of a group of mobile autonomous agents with an attraction-repulsion function governing the interaction of the agents. The function is chosen to have infinitely large values of repulsion for vanishing distance between two agents so as to avoid occurrence of collision. It is shown analytically that under the detailed balance condition in coupling weights, all the agents will aggregate and eventually form a cohesive cluster of finite size around the weighted center of the swarm in a finite time. Moreover, the swarm system is completely stable, namely, the motion of all agents converge to the set of equilibrium points. For the general case of non-reciprocal swarms without the detailed balance condition, numerical simulations show that more complex self-organized oscillations can emerge in the swarms. The effect of noise on collective dynamics of the swarm is also examined with a white Gaussian noise model. This paper studies a non-reciprocal swarm model that consists of a group of mobile autonomous agents with an attraction-repulsion function governing the interaction of the agents. The function is chosen to have infinitely large values ​​of repulsion for vanishing distance between two agents so as to avoid occurrence of collision. It shows shown that under the detailed balance condition in coupling weights, all the agents will aggregate and eventually form a cohesive cluster of finite size around the weighted center of the swarm in a finite time. Moreover, the swarm for the general case of non-reciprocal swarms without the detailed balance condition, numerical simulations show that more complex self-organized oscillations can emerge in the swarms The effect of noise on collective dynamics of the swarm is also examined with a white Gaussian noise model.
摘要:作为企业应该通过加强自身的行政管理来提升企业的核心业务服务。思想政治的工作做好了,思想问题没有负担了,行动的问题也会跟着解决,只有这样企业所开展的各项生产以及管理公里工作才能稳定的、持续的、高效的发展。  关键字:企业;思想政治工作;行政管理;重要性和作用  改革开发以来,我国的经济已经步入了告诉发展的阶段,一批又一批的优秀企业涌入了我国的三大产业。伴随着这些企业做大做强的趋势下,行政管理工
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目的本实验采用胆总管结扎方法建立大鼠梗阻性黄疸模型,对模型大鼠予雷帕霉素(Rapamycin, RPM)干预,通过对术后不同时段肝细胞结构、功能的变化以及相关炎症因子的表达及其相互关系等的研究,观察大鼠肝细胞显微结构的变化,检测肝组织中TNF-a mRNA的表达,探讨雷帕霉素对肝脏的保护作用,从而为实验研究和临床治疗提供一定的基础。方法1实验分组:54只健康雄性SD大鼠随机分为3组,A组:大鼠麻醉
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