哺乳动物的外周神经系统轴突损伤后可以再生 ,但在中枢神经系统却不同。中枢一些种类的神经突可以在外周神经移植物中延伸相当长的距离 [1 ] 。通过对中枢和外周的髓鞘对比可以发现中枢神经白质蛋白选择性地抑制轴突的生长 [2 ]。中枢神经系统的蛋白成分 NI3 5、NI2 5 0 ( Nogo
The mammalian peripheral nervous system can regenerate after axonal injury but differs in the central nervous system. Some types of neurites in the center can extend quite a long way in peripheral nerve grafts [1]. By comparing the central and peripheral myelin can be found in the central nervous and white matter protein selectively inhibit the growth of axons [2]. Central nervous system protein components NI3 5, NI250 (Nogo