生命的诞生是不可重复的。小宝宝赤条条来到人世,唤醒了新的生命也唤醒了父母这一新概念。如果能把这一切都记录下来该多好哇!随着人们生活水平的提高和科技的发展,这一愿望已不再是梦,摄像机已逐步进入了寻常百姓家。即便是你眼前没有也不用犯愁,跟朋友借或索性请经营家庭摄像的商家帮你拍,都不失为良策。撇开商家可能掌握机器更熟练不说,至少可以让你腾出身来自己也被摄进去。在拍摄中,我们都该具备哪些技术知识,注意哪些问题呢? 首先应了解摄像机。目前家用摄像机从型号上大致分为三种:一是叫VHS的机型,换句话说也就是使用普通录像带来录制的机
The birth of life is not repeatable. The baby came to life with red stripe, awakening new life also awakened the new concept of parents. If all this can be recorded how nice! As people’s living standards improve and technology development, this desire is no longer a dream, the camera has gradually entered the homes of ordinary people. Even if you do not have to worry about, with friends or simply please run the family camera business to help you shoot, are good ways. Leaving aside the business may master the machine is more skilled not to say, at least you can let yourself out to be taken in. In the shooting, we should have what technical knowledge, pay attention to what issues? First of all should know the camera. At present, the family of cameras from the model is divided into three types: one is called the VHS models, in other words, is the use of ordinary video tape recorder