来源 :Journal of Hydrodynamics(Ser.B) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chukwokhung
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In this paper the concentration profile in bed load layer is derived based on kinetic theory. According to observations, particles moving in near wall region behave differently during ejection and sweeping of turbulence burst, as indicates that they are subject to different influences from turbulence, and therefore, the forces acting on particles are not the same. Consequently, particles moving in bed load layer are classified into two groups, one lifted upward by ejections, the other carried back to bed by sweepings, and the forces corresponding to upward and downward motions are proposed. By solving the basic transport equation of kinetic theory, the velocity distribution functions, upward and downward fluxes of particles in bed load layer are derived. Upon assumption of equilibrium sediment transport, concentration profile in bed load layer is obtained. Verification is also presented in this paper, which shows that the concentration profile produced by the relation proposed in this paper agrees with observations well. In this paper the concentration profile in bed load layer is derived based on kinetic theory. According to observations, particles moving in near wall region behave differently during ejection and sweeping of turbulence burst, as indicates that they are subject to different influences from turbulence, and therefore, the forces acting on particles are not the same. Effects, particles moving in bed load layer are classified into two groups, one lifted upward by ejections, the other carried back to bed by sweepings, and the forces corresponding to upward and downward motions are solved. By solving the basic transport equation of kinetic theory, the velocity distribution functions, upward and downward fluxes of particles in bed load layer are derived. presented in this paper, which shows that the concentration profile produced by the relation proposed in this paper agrees with observed well.
应该怎样理解肥胖呢? 仝小林:如果是欧美人个头很大,一眼就能看出是一个胖子,但是亚洲人的肥胖有一个特点就是肚子偷偷的胖,很多都是腹型的肥胖。究竟这种胖够不够肥胖的标
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