Combined Effects of Nb and B MicroAlloying in Molybdenum Based Ultra Low Carbon Bainitic (ULCB) Stee

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hustguoguo
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ULCB steels have a great potential for structural as well as automotive applications due to the lean alloying concept and the favorable combination of strength and ductility.These steels are being considered as the material of choice for many advanced applications where yield strength above 500 MPa is required to reduce component weight.Traditionally Mo has been a key alloying element in producing such steels.In order to push the property envelope of ULCB steels it is interesting to combine Mo alloying with the microalloying elements Nb and B.Cross effects between these elements bear synergies that cannot be achieved by single alloying.The paper demonstrates how these synergies can be beneficially used in combination with appropriate processing. ULCB steels have a great potential for structural as well as automotive applications due to the lean alloying concept and the favorable combination of strength and ductility.These steels are being considered as the material of choice for many advanced applications where the yield strength above 500 MPa is required to reduce component weight .Traditionally Mo has been a key alloying element in such such as steels.In order to push the property envelope of ULCB steels it is interesting to combine Mo alloying with the microalloying elements Nb and B.Cross effects between these elements bear synergies that can not be achieved by single alloying. The paper demonstrates how these synergies can be beneficially used in combination with appropriate processing.
月  亦圆,或缺。  满是诗, 亏宫阙。  一宵光景,婵娟共悦。  浩瀚天地间,流光生霜雪。  思乡嬗变怀人,金樽弄影谁约。  多情嫦娥拂柔柳, 玉兔不解赋词阕。  吻  羞涩,兴奋。  面光洁,媚心渗。  深含滋润,脱兔轻问。  清风洗玉唇, 月华洒芳芬。  举杯舞影抒怀, 海誓山盟荏苒。  鸳鸯绿柳共思量,树梢挂月双鬓枕。  风中情雨中景  听风听雨听凤鸣,  翠柳拂得寸柔情。  惆怅鸳鸯携蓝