土壤普查档案具有专业性、技术性强的特点,其内容丰富,利用率高。档案整理归档质量的好坏,直接关系到今后的管理和提供利用。宜宾地区第二次土壤普查工作从1979年开始,历时8年多,将全区的地理位置、地形地貌、温度湿度、耕地面积等等进行了全面普查,形成了大量的文字材料、技术数据、照片图幅等多种类型的档案。为了将这些档案材料收集齐全,整理规范,我们先在珙县试点,用典型开路,以点带面的方法,弥补经验的不足。 由地、县两级档案局、农牧局的十位同志组成试点工作小组后,仅用了十天时间,就完成了珙县土壤普查档案的整理归档试点,我们将试点的全过程分为三个阶段、七个步骤进行。三个阶段为:准备阶段;
Soil census files with professional, technical characteristics, its rich content, high utilization. Archive the quality of the archive quality is directly related to the future management and provide use. The second soil survey in Yibin started in 1979 and lasted more than eight years and conducted a comprehensive survey of the geographical location, topography, temperature and humidity, and cultivated land area of the whole region, forming a large amount of written materials, technical data, Photo map and other types of files. In order to collect all these archival materials, organize the specification, we first pilot in Pixian County, with a typical open way to point with the surface approach to make up for the lack of experience. After ten working groups composed of ten comrades from prefectural and county levels and the Bureau of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, it took only 10 days to complete the pilot project of arranging and filing the soil census archives in Lixian County. We divided the whole process of the pilot into Three stages, seven steps. The three phases are: preparation stage;