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近代大诗人陈三立始终抱有忧国之心,从中法战争、甲午战争、八国联军攻陷北京、东三省日俄大战到清朝廷的腐败无能,思想界的混乱,所谓新政的弊端,无不写入其诗中。诗中盼望全民皆兵、全民教育。入民国,他对袁世凯政权予以无情讽刺,哀叹北洋时期的军阀争战。诗从不同方面反映了清末民初的沧桑世变,谓之诗史,当之无愧;陈三立有着改变国弱民贫境况的强烈意识,极为忧虑近代以来中华民族的深重危机,故其诗往往沉郁多讽,有着哀愤忧悲的浓重气氛。 The great poet Chen Sanli of the modern era always cherished the heart of concern for the country. From the Sino-French War, the Sino-French War, the Eight-Power Allied Forces captured Beijing, the Russo-Japanese War between the Northeast, the Qing Dynasty and the imperial court, the chaos in the ideological world, Poem. In the poem, we hope that all the people will be soldier and education for all. Entering the Republic of China, he mercilessly satirized the Yuan Shikai regime and lamented the warlords’ war in the Northern Warlords. Poetry from different aspects reflects the vicissitudes of life during the turnaround of the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China, that the history of poetry, well-deserved; Chen Sanli has a strong sense of changing the situation of the weak and the poor, extremely worried about the Chinese nation since the modern crisis, so the poems are often sarcastic , There is a heavy atmosphere of sorrow and sorrow.