园林商业服务是园林事业的重要组成部分。在园林局领导的关怀下,贷款60万元,1987年底对原花木商店改造扩建后,成立了园林实业公司(原名园林服务部),公司5年来拥有资产100万元,年销售额达200万元,利税逐年递增。公司处在实力雄厚的国有大商场和竞争手段灵活的个体商贩的包围之中,如何在竞争中求生存和发展?我们的做法是: 一、依靠团结奋进,艰苦创业精神公司是在接收原花木商店5.7万元资产的基础上起步的。开始的半年是边基建边过渡性营业,当时资金短缺,靠职工集资和向银行贷款共30万元。经过5年艰苦创业,职工齐心浇灌效益花,于1990年底全部偿还借贷本息;到目前为止已全部还清了建房贷款;公司还有了自我积累和一定的发展能力。我们能在激
Garden business services is an important part of landscape architecture. Under the leadership of the Bureau of Parks and Gardens, a loan of 600,000 yuan, the end of 1987 the transformation of the original Huamu store expansion, the establishment of the Garden Industry Company (formerly Garden Service), the company has assets of 5 million years, annual sales of 200 million Yuan, profits and taxes increase year by year. Companies in the powerful state-owned malls and flexible means of competition surrounded by individual traders, how to survive in the competition and development? Our approach is: First, relying on forge ahead in unity, arduous pioneering company is receiving the original flowers The store started on the basis of 57,000 yuan of assets. The first half of the year was a transitional business with border infrastructure construction. At that time, there was a shortage of funds. There was a total amount of 300,000 yuan borrowed from workers and raised loans to banks. After five years of arduous pioneering work, the staff and workers worked together to pay for the benefits. By the end of 1990, they had fully repay the principal and interest of borrowings. So far, they have all paid off their loans for building loans. The company has also accumulated self-development and certain development capabilities. We can be excited