为了解陕西省基层安全注射现状 ,采用分层多阶段随机抽样法 ,对陕西省 6个地区 (市 )所辖 6个县 (区 ,市 )30个乡 (镇 ) 180个村的乡村医生调查 ,发现陕西省乡村级预防接种和临床治疗中以玻璃注射器和一次性注射器混合使用为主 (分别占 5 4 8%和 5 9 0 %) ;预防接种和临床治疗采用多人一管注射的分别占 44 3%和 9 1%;在玻璃注射器灭菌中 ,水冲洗或浸泡、酒精棉擦拭方式分别占 16 9%和 42 7%;在一次性注射器处理中 ,重复使用和丢弃分别占 1 3%和 18 9%;有 36 4 %~ 74 0 %的乡村医生不清楚计划免疫针对传染病和常见传染病传播途径及其危害性 ;认为多人一管不会有问题的占 2 6 7%,接种人数多或缺少注射器时 ,可进行只换针头方式注射的占 33 9%~ 6 1 7%。提示 :在陕西省基层预防接种和临床治疗中都应注意玻璃注射器和一次性注射器的安全注射问题 ;多人一管注射方式 ,水冲洗或浸泡、酒精棉擦拭灭菌玻璃注射器 ,反复使用和丢弃一次性注射器等是非安全注射的主要因素 ;乡村医生安全注射知识水平及责任心 ,特别是对不安全注射引起传染病及危害性后果的认识亟待进一步培训提高 ;对一次性注射器使用后统一回收或在包装上注明“严禁重复使用”是防止不安全注射的方法之一。
In order to understand the status of grassroots safety injection in Shaanxi Province, a stratified multi-stage random sampling method was adopted to investigate rural doctors in 180 villages in 30 townships (towns) of 6 counties (districts and cities) under the jurisdiction of 6 regions (cities) in Shaanxi Province. , It was found that the use of glass syringes and disposable syringes was mainly used in the village-level vaccination and clinical treatment in Shaanxi Province (54.8% and 5.90%, respectively); the vaccination and clinical treatment used multiple injections 44 3% and 9 1%; in the sterilization of glass syringes, water rinsing or soaking, alcohol swabs accounted for 16 9% and 42 7%, respectively; in disposable syringes, reuse and disposal accounted for 1 3 % and 18 9%; 36.4% to 74.0% of rural doctors are unaware of the planned transmission of infectious diseases and the spread of common infectious diseases and their harmfulness; 26.7% believe that more than one person will have no problems. If there are many inoculations or lack of syringes, 339% to 61.7% of needles can be injected. Tip: The safety injection of glass syringes and disposable syringes should be paid attention to in primary prevention and clinical treatment in Shaanxi Province; multi-person injection method, water washing or immersion, alcohol cotton wipe sterilization glass syringe, repeated use and discard Disposable syringes are the main factors for non-safety injections; the knowledge and responsibility of rural doctors for safe injections, especially for unsafe injections and the consequences of infectious diseases, need to be further improved; after the use of disposable syringes, uniform recycling or It is one of the ways to prevent unsafe injection by indicating “Strictly prohibited reuse” on the packaging.