梓树又叫河揪、灰楸、倒吊香。落叶大乔木。木材纹理通直,结构细密,质地坚韧,光泽美观,是做家具、车辆、乐器等的珍贵用材,也是建筑良材。苗木是嫁接楸树的良好砧木。 梓树繁殖,过去多用插根法和播种法,从没有提到插条育苗的方法。我曾在汪沟公社头石顶子林场作插条试验,插条4000株,成活3053株,成活率达到76%。当年苗高平均为78厘米,根径平均为1.02厘米,发根9—13条。具体做法如下。 一、选择圃地:苗圃地设立在有水浇条件的沙壤土,土层深厚,湿润肥沃,排水
Catalpa also known as river pull, ash Catalpa, inverted hanging incense. Deciduous trees. Wood texture straight, fine structure, tough texture, shiny appearance, is to do furniture, vehicles, musical instruments and other precious timber, but also building good material. Seedlings are good rootstocks of Catalpa bungei. Catalpa breeding, the past use of multi-root and sowing law, never mentioned the method of cutting seedlings. I was in Wangtou commune head stone Dingzi Lin field cuttings, cuttings 4000, survived 3053 strains, the survival rate of 76%. The average annual seedling height of 78 cm, the average root diameter of 1.02 cm, hair roots 9-13. Specific practices are as follows. First, the choice of nursery: nursery to set up in a sandy loam soil conditions, deep soil, moist and fertile, drainage