中国是世界公认的风筝故乡, 其历史源远流长。早在2000多年前 的春秋时期,墨子和鲁班就发明了 能够在天空中长时间飞行的木鸢和 竹鹊。只不过那时风筝的用途不是 用来娱乐的,而是作为一种借助风 力进行军事通信的工具来使用的。 相传楚汉相争时,张良用竹木牛皮 制成巨型风筝搭载上士兵,趁夜飘 至楚营上空,吹起凄婉的楚曲,“四 面楚歌”让楚军人心涣散,终于酿成 了“霸王别姬”的悲剧。
China is a recognized kite hometown in the world with a long history. As early as 2000 years ago in the Spring and Autumn Period, Mozi and Luban invented the wood kite and bamboo magpie that can fly in the sky for a long time. Only then was the purpose of the kite not used for entertaining, but as a tool for military communications using wind power. According to legend, when the controversy between Chu and Han, Zhang Liang made with a giant kite made of bamboo leather carrying soldiers on the night drifted to the Chu Ying, blowing a sad Chu song, “besieged” let Chu soldiers heartless, and finally lead A “Farewell My Concubine ” tragedy.