根据前期大气环流和水文要素与年径流量、汛期最大流量及各月最大流量的对应关系,以及水文要素演变规律等,经过计算分析,作出了泾、洛、渭河、汉江、嘉陵江的重要控制站和黄河龙门站1988年径流量、最大流量、汛期(5~10月)各月最大流量的展望(见下表) 全省1988年水情总趋势是: 年径流量:黄河龙门、潼关站正常或偏丰1~2成;泾、洛、渭河、汉江、嘉陵江基本正常。
Based on the correspondence between the previous atmospheric circulation and hydrological elements and the annual runoff, the maximum flow in the flood season and the monthly maximum flow, and the evolution of hydrological elements, the important control stations of Jinghe, Luohe, Weihe River, Hanjiang River and Jialing River have been made And Yellow River Longmen Station in 1988 runoff, maximum flow, flood season (May to October) the maximum flow of each month Outlook (see table below) The province in 1988 the overall trend of water is: annual runoff: the Yellow River Dragon Gate, Tongguan station normal Or over 1 to 2 percent of over abundance; Jing, Luo, Wei River, Han River, Jialing River basically normal.