1991年2月,我地区某市外贸公司擅自销售进口的水产品,违反了我国的有关法律,我们对此事进行了处理,收到了较好的效果,现将经过报告如下: 1 违法事实和经过 某市外贸公司1991年2月12日经三合口岸从朝鲜进口冻鱼2,000kg,经口岸国境卫生检疫机关初步监督检查后放行,运至某水产公司存放待监督检验,并于当日
In February 1991, a foreign trade company in a certain city in our region sells imported aquatic products without permission, in violation of the relevant laws of our country. We have handled this issue and received good results. The report is as follows: 1 Illegal facts and After a city’s foreign trade company imported 2,000kg of frozen fish from North Korea via the Sanhe Port on February 12, 1991, it was released after being initially supervised and checked by the frontier health and quarantine authorities in the port and transported to a certain aquatic product store for inspection and inspection on the same day