许多研究者总是力图为经典电影理论寻找一条脉络分明的发展线索 ,殊不知这种做法永远绕不开一个先在的障碍———经典电影理论复杂的文本之间本来就缺乏联系 ,很难在其中找到一个科学的内部参照系。我们将经典理论对电影的研究概括为三个方面 :确立电影的艺术地位、探索电影的艺术特性和追索电影的艺术本质
Many researchers are always trying to find a clear-cut clues to the development of classical film theory. Everyone knows that this method can never get away from the first obstacle - there is a lack of connection between the complex texts of classic movie theory. Which found a scientific internal reference system. We classify the study of the movie by classical theory into three aspects: establishing the artistic status of the film, exploring the artistic characteristics of the film and tracing the artistic essence of the film